Wednesday, 29 October 2008

If one slanderous lie doesn't work, pick another one

McCain and Palin... Palin and McCain... Their campaign is based on negativity. Based on taking stretched out truths and attempting to make those lies work for them. Will they ever learn? I think more people are afraid by facts than lies. And they have no solid facts to pull out on Obama that would hurt his campaign besides the fact he doesn't have much federal government experience. But hey, Palin has less than Obama so whose complaining there, right?

The latest slander McCain/Palin have taken out from their box o'dirty tricks is Obama's "tie" to a Palestinian called Rashid Khalidi, who is a former Columbia University professor. He apparently has ties to the PLO and believes Israelis are "terrorists." Obama happened to be at a send off for the guy when he decided to leave his teaching career behind back in 2003. He got up and said something about how he enjoyed chatting with Mr Khalidi and having dinner at his house. There is apparently a video tape of this farewell and the Los Angeles Times has it in their possession. In fact, they've had it for over six months and have reported about it's existence. I barely remember this story, so obviously it's not an important issue.

But now --after a failed attempt to tie Obama to socialism (man someone needs to go back to college and learn what socialism really is), Ayers, and ACORN-- Palin is calling for this video to be released. Which is dumb because Obama's alleged existence at this event doesn't really matter. It gives us no proof that Obama has ties with something dodgy that used to promote terrorism against the Israelis. It supposedly just shows Obama saying good-bye to someone he does not consider to be a confident.

Besides the fact, when Mr McCain was chairman for the International Republican Institute, he allocated money to Mr Khalidi. The institute gave money to the Center for Palestine Research and Studies, which was founded by Mr Khalidi. If anyone has ties to a dodgy terrorism-like organization, it's McCain. Not Obama.

And I must note that apparently Palin's five or so years in the undergraduate circuit as a Journalism major failed her. You can't demand a newspaper to hand over material that has been given to them anonymously and/or with conditions! Did she skip the day they covered this stuff in Ethics or what? Actually, that's just common sense. For journalists, it's all about protection of sources and material. If you don't believe me, read the Associated Press Stylebook.

If you want to read a good blog entry about this story --which highlights Palin's attempt at this new dirty trick while Joe the Plummer stands beside her (YEP)-- head over to MSNBC's First Read: Palin keeps up the hits. The best part of this blog, though, is the comments everyone left at the end of the article. I thought I was a Palin-hater but man! These guys are good. And I still haven't found a pro-Palin statement amongst these comments, which is rare.

Mwhahaha, another slanderous attack has backfired on you Mrs Palin!

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