Wednesday, 30 January 2008

The pioneer of change has left the building

I've been close to tears today since hearing the news that Democratic candidate, John Edwards, is dropping out of the race for the White House. It's sad this had to happen so early on in the primaries. The primaries have produced wishy-wash results at best and it is still hard to say who is going to be crowned the Democratic candidate. I believed Edwards could have risen from the underground and taken us all by storm on Super Tuesday. I guess he can't do that now.

I thought the Democratic voters were ready for change. I thought they were more open to voting for someone more liberal. People complain about Obama and Clinton, yet they still vote for them. Those two names have been driven into our heads with a power drill and it looks like the screw is not easily removed. The power mass media has on our vote is disgusting, really. It's always been that way. You'd think the increased power of the internet over the past few years would have made this race even more contested than it already was. And you'd think that it would have given Edwards a great chance at winning our hearts.

Mass media killed Edwards campaign. As a future political journalist, it pains me to say such a thing, but it is true. He went on talk show after talk show and was treated like dirt. He was rudely interrupted and cut-off by television hosts like he was a good for nothing Republican. They stomped all over his attempts at a campaign. They said his tactics weren't good enough. They would have been good enough if the media had stopped attacking him. Why the media thinks they can decipher everything and knows everything is beyond me. When they run for president, then maybe we can talk. For now, it's their fault our last hope for real change is now dead and buried.

I know Edwards had support. He came in second in Iowa, for bob's sake. I thought support would increase after that caucus--but it went in reverse. He once had a strong hold over voters, but those voters gave in too easily to the media's ploys that Obama or Clinton was our Democratic saviour (while bashing their inconsistencies at the same time). Voters were lured last minute from supporting Edwards. They were filled with thoughts that he couldn't gain the majority's vote. With that type of attitude, it's true. We can thank those people too for Edwards' concession.

Now the race is down to Clinton or Obama. Let it be Clinton. I've had enough with hearing energetic speakers who speak nothing but fluff (Obama). I don't want to be lied to. I don't want to be led. I just want the most honest candidate left in the race for the Democratic ticket to be the one left standing. Please oh please. The chance to have a liberal president has been robbed of me twice. The least the country can do to make it up to me (as I sit here in Sheffield, kicking and screaming) is to vote a woman to the Democratic ticket. And lets cross our fingers Clinton puts Edwards on her ticket as VP. She needs someone liberal to talk some sense into her.

It's up to us lower and middle-middle class voters and working class voters to get Hilliary into the White House. Let's aim high, eh?

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