Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Another lie, another excuse...

President Bush is a busy man. First he tries to solve the issues between Israel and Palestine in a week long conference, then he's back to stirring the angry pot that is the Middle East by focusing on Iran and their supposed nuclear bomb program. What is wrong with this man?!?! (both Bush and Ahmadinejad, actually)

A report was released stating Iran's nuclear program ceased operation in 2003 until their recent experiments with nuclear power plants. The probability of them constructing a nuclear bomb is small, as the whole world is watching them, but Bush is convinced that they are able to put a bomb together faster then you can say "Bush is an idiot." The president's men believe Iran will have a bomb complete by 2010-2015; however there is no proof. But has lack of proof ever stopped Bush from fluffing his feathers out like an angry peacock before? NO, of course not. He's the president so, you know, whatever he says must be true. He went to Yale after all and barely made it out alive. He has an MBA. So he must be trustworthy!

Excuse me while I laugh my head off.

I remember when Bush was verbally attacking Iraq. He told us they had WMD, but the U.N. said they didn't. Bush said Iraq must be brought down because they have WMD and screw what the U.N. says. Then we launched a little attack that, to this day, remains a pain in our side. I have a feeling Iran is going to be another Iraq. Out of nowhere, Bush became defense about Iraq and a possible WMD program. Now he's getting defence out of nowhere about Iran and a possible nuclear program. It's like history is repeating itself and it's very unsettling.

Bush--or the US in general--is not responsible to bring resolve to the Middle East. They need to figure that out on their own. Bush is no peacekeeper or Army hero. He's just a stupid man who only thinks about himself and surrounds himself with people who are exactly like him, which then leads to giving him and his idiocy some type of clout. I don't want to go down because of Bush's mistakes. He can rant and rave all he wants about Iran and the fact that he doesn't believe the report published by the National Intelligence Estimate. He cites a document researched by the US two years ago that says Iran is constructing nuclear bombs--but where is this document? Who authored it and how did they get the information? It's not like a researcher just walked into Iran and said "Hello! I'm from the US and I'd like to conduct a report to see if you're making nuclear bombs. Do you mind if I have a look around?" If someone did that, I doubt they'd live to tell the tale.

I just don't trust this man and I hope once and for all people realize that Bush is a liar. He forges documentation and proof of an existing "problem." This has been proven time and time again over the past two years or so. The Bush Administration is one of the most corrupt governments the US has ever had. I just wish more people would realize that Bush is the problem--not Iran. Iran is only a problem because Bush said so. His big mouth has caused Iran's negative reaction to the US and the US reaction to their reaction. (make sense?)

I wish we were handling this more like the EU. Sure Ahmadinejad has cancelled meetings with the EU recently (he sure likes to build himself up and then chicken out at the last minute, doesn't he?!), but at least the EU is not opening their mouths and pointing fingers over something they really have no knowledge about. Besides the fact, why is the US so worried about a nuclear attack waged by Iran? Europe is closer. They should be the ones to worry. Oh wait. They weren't the ones who pissed them off so really, they shouldn't be the one trying to make peace. But here they are, cleaning up after Bush's messes and trying to right the wrongs. Europe is not the cleaning lady of the world, people! (Just like the US does not equal 'the world.')

Just like the news about a sudden peace conference in honour of Palestine and Israel disappeared from the news radars a week later, so will the news about Bush's poor judgement with Iran and their nuclear program. I think Bush is bored and felt like being in the spotlight. That's why all this stuff has taken centre stage the past two weeks. He's a lame duck president and should learn to live with it!

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