Monday, 19 November 2007

Give it a rest already!

President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and (dictator) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran met on Monday to discuss a topic they really have no claim in: the disintegration of the American dollar.

What gives them the right to even discuss the economic situation in the US? Have they even looked at their country's financial status? Probably not. Cost for simple items have sky-rocketed since Ahmadinejad took control of Iran a few years ago and if I remember correctly, Venezuela--and much of South America--have never had an economy worth writing home about.

I'm an educated person and I like to convey my thoughts on political situations in intelligent prose, but after reading the article about Chavez and Ahmadinejad chumming it up as they bash the US, I only had one choice phrase to say (it's explicit, I warn you): shut the fuck up you son of a bitches.

If they had the strongest currency in the world, then maybe we could talk. But they don't, instead they have one of the worst. (it's 2,150 Venezuelan bolivars to $1 US and 9,325 Iranian rials to $1 US--just in case you were wondering) So shut it. These two men obviously are as stupid as President Bush and wouldn't be able to understand a financial report if it fell from the sky and smashed them on the head, so really I could care less what they say. But it does offend me that they think they're better then the US and can predict the future financial situation of the country based on things they find on the internet. (if they're even smart enough to navigate it, that is)

All in all, these guys piss me off and I love to rant about them--but at the end of the day, we need to ignore them. They're just blowing steam. They want to get us upset but we won't give them the pleasure!! Let them be BFFs. Let them think they can plan a way to bash us some more or plan an attack or whatever (send hate letters to Bush, written in crayon with their left hand). It's good they have one another to talk to because I doubt the majority of their countries actually support them at all. In fact, they're probably shaking their heads right now and muttering in their respective languages, "stupid bastards." Can't say I blame them. I do the same whenever I read something about Bush in the news.

If Venezuela wants a fight, then throw Chavez in a real life boxing ring with Bush and let them go at it. I don't want a part in this. If the US military did attack Venezuela, well then a) the rest of South America would probably join in and/or b) South America would implode under the stress of yet ANOTHER episode of civil unrest. And same goes for Ahmadinejad. Heck, I'll fight the fool myself. "The Holocaust is fake," my ass. Everything that guy says is usually wrong in one way or another and he always manages to piss off 95% of the world anyway, but you don't deny something that didn't even take place in the Middle East (well, officially), haven't seen artifacts from, haven't researched, and weren't even alive for! Honestly--how stupid and selfish can people get?! This guy should be a poster child for what's wrong with the education systems in the world. (and what's wrong with the world in general)

Let's just treat them like the idiots that they are and move on. The American dollar will survive. I'll make sure it does--otherwise, the US government will have to answer to me! (I'm sick of paying this outrageous exchange rate between the UK and the US!) And if we attack Iran, oil will not rise to $200 a barrel. It'll do that on it's own thanks to the greedy businessmen. Don't be so full of yourself, Chavez, jeez.